Subject: Re: Unknown Hardware in VAX3500
To: NetBSD/VAX <>
From: Philipp Buehler <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/11/1999 09:29:43
Tom Ivar Helbekkmo wrote:
> > TOY ?
> Time-Of-Year. Sorry -- should have said so at once.
> > What happens, if this pack is dismounted or discharged?
> The machine always asks what operator language to use at power-on, and
> will not retain boot configuration information. Also, the clock will
> not run, so the OS will always complain that its date/time is bogus,
> and suggest that you set it correctly. If you use ntpdate/xntpd, this
> is no problem, of course.
> Give the existing NiCd pack a couple of days with power on before
> giving up on it, though.
Oh, I was just thinking of it. I hope it is not discharged for now (the
machine was only "offpower" for 6 months). And I even didnt disconnect
the battery pack before asking about it ;))
How can I "ask" the machine about the existing configuration to write it
down (I still have no serial printer for the vt220).
Thanks for all the useful information :) If you want to track a little the
collected information about the machines you can look this up on and mvII.html (english versions also)
The pages are strictly lynxable :))
Philipp Buehler, aka fIpS | <lonely stuff > | double-p on IRC
VAX/OpenVMS: No compromise computing.
When you think that your power's gone,
cry it out and you won't be lone.
--Kyyria, 1998