Subject: Memory errors?
To: None <>
From: Anders Hogrelius SdU <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/28/1998 08:57:53
I've found out something that might be of importance with the new
kernel on VS3100m76. When trying to boot the new kernel that
Ragge compiled just before christmas, i consistently get a report
"Memory Error!" when the kernel is loaded and beginning to execute.
However, if i remove the graphics board it runs without error.

Any ideas, anyone?

I'm a newbie when it comes to NetBSD-vax, but it seems to me that
a likely explanation is that one or more of the graphics board's i/o-ports
is mapped in the memory area the kernel tries to initialize when booting.



* Anders H=F6grelius SdU   Phone : +46 21 381860  =20
* Tessingatan 12         E-mail:        =20
* 72216 V=E4ster=E5s            or :             =20