Subject: New kernel + install uploaded.
To: None <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/19/1998 22:12:12
I have just uploaded a new kernel to the last snapshot. The "vget/vref"
bug is found and fixed now and it seems as it swaps OK for me anyway.
The plain kernel is in /pub/NetBSD/arch/vax/snapshot/19981201/binary/kernel.
I have also generated a kernel that uses sysinst and can be booted
from the net. This hopefully means that we can forget copy/edlabel :-)
I have also rewritten the boot program, it now can handle gzipped binaries
and have a syntax much more like the i386 one. "boot netbsd -as" instead
of some cryptic B/43...
I also generated a tape bootfile, suitable to boot from TK50. It should
just boot up and start sysinst directly. This file may also be possible
to load from RX33, but I haven't tried.
That should be all for now; just walk around in the
/pub/NetBSD/arch/vax/snapshot/19981201 subdirectory on
and try it out. I will go away tomorrow and will stay unavailable until
next year something.
Merry Christmas,