Subject: Re: VS3100 and the new snapshot kernel... (solved)
To: Anders Magnusson <>
From: Marc Gutschner <Marc.Gutschner@Frankfurt.NetSurf.DE>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/12/1998 22:38:42
Anders Magnusson wrote

>> unstable :-/ I don't think that it is flaky hardware since the same
>> runs Ultrix 4.4 quite fine. I've run several exercisers (network and
>> at least) for several days just to make sure the system is ok...
>It's not the snapshot that is flakey, it's the kernel. I'm trying
>to hunt down a bunch of troubles that has showed up. You can avoid

Can I do anything to help pinpointing the elusive bugs? I'll have some spare
time the next few days so I can invest some time in bug hunting :-)

>some ov the problems by booting with the bootflags B/40, it works better
>if the symbol table is loaded.

Mhhm, doesn't seem to help that much... Still keeps crashing every now and
then - but the 'kmem_map'-Panic has - uhm - mutated to a 'vref used where
vget required' one :-)
