Subject: Re: VS3100 and the new snapshot kernel... (solved)
To: None <Marc.Gutschner@Frankfurt.NetSurf.DE>
From: maximum entropy <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/06/1998 21:20:17
>From: "Marc Gutschner" <Marc.Gutschner@Frankfurt.NetSurf.DE>
>Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 12:55:07 +0100
>I think I've found the solution for my problems with the -current kernels
>:-) I just compiled a new 'boot', converted it with 'mopa.out' to a
>MOP-Format bootloader and - voila - the VS3100 likes me again :) I built the
>bootloader with bootp/DHCP support - still have to try if it will work with
>rpc/bootparamd, too. So it seems that my first thought about some new 'rain
>dances' the bootloader does were just about right. 

Yes, that worked for me too.  The machine now boots properly when I do
"boot esa0".

>Now I'll try to build a
>kernel with SCSI support and see how well this will go...

I wasn't able to build a new kernel though.  When compiling
kern/init_main.c I consistently get:

panic: malloc: out of space in kmem_map
Stopped in cc1 at       0x8000fb68:     mfpr    $18, r0


entropy -- it's not just a good idea, it's the second law.