Subject: New snapshot. (At last :-)
To: None <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/02/1998 23:20:33
I am right now uploading a new snapshot that I have (at last) managed to
compile. There are a bunch of new things in this new code, like:
- Dynamic linked libraries
- EGCS as native C compiler
- UVM as new memory management system
- Improved support for VS3100's
- X client programs precompiled
and a bunch of other stuff.
The install files is in pub/NetBSD/arch/vax/snapshot/19981201/binary/sets
on I will also provide a new improved install system
(using sysinst) in the nearest weeks, but it isn't working OK on all
systems yet. This will supersede the old install system with copy and
edlabel; and extract everything from the disk instead.
Many thanks to Matt Thomas, who wrote the shared libraries and EGCS
support for VAX.
The long-time-wanted support for SCSI on VS3100 is also closing up:
Jens A Nilsson got tired of not having this so he wrote PIO
support for it. He will probably in the near future also finish DMA
support, anyway, some SCSI will be in the install kernels when I upload them.
Note: A complete installation _will_ fit on a RD54 (I tried :-)
-- Ragge