Subject: Re: Serial lines & terminals & getty. PLEASE help me out! (fwd)
To: Ronny Svedman <ronny@Update.UU.SE>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/29/1998 11:07:37
On Thu, Oct 29, 1998 at 12:19:48AM +0100, Ronny Svedman wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 28, 1998 at 04:49:03AM +0100, Ronny Svedman wrote:
> > > The manpage for gettytab & getty & /etc/ttys is IMPOSSIBLE.
> >
> > Of course. You need to know what and how you connect to the hardware to write
> > one.
> Yikes.
> I want the vt320 to have 9600, no parity, eight bit, xon/xoff, ignore
> carrier/dsr/dtr/rts/cts/cd/whatever.
> the tektronix needs 7 bit, no paity, 2400bps.
> I have given up on trying to understand the not-human-readable termcap an
Termcap is human readable, given the output of man 5 termcap. But you
dont _need_ to read (or write) it; it has entries for, e.g. "tek4014"
and "vt320".
Same for gettytab. Just use the "std.9600" and "std.2400" entries.
You might need a special gettytab entry for the 7bit tektronix, but
as the entries are :np: (no parity) you should get away without
even that.
Summarizing the above, your /etc/ttys entries should be something like
ttyS1 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" vt320 on softcar local
ttyS2 "/usr/libexec/getty std.2400" tek4014 on softcar local
Note that I don't know whether S1 and S2 are right. Somebody else might want
to correct me.
to make the "softcar" and "local" active, you need to:
- change the "on" to "off" on both lines.
- kill -HUP 1
- ttyflags -va
- change to "off" back to "on"
- kill -HUP 1
Simply rebooting will take care of these details.
> d gettytab fileformat. there should REALLY be a frontend for making these
> adjustments. I can live with editing textfiles for configuring stuff, but
> this is where i draw the line. This matter had gotten me annoyed,
> irritated, aggravated, frustrated and upset, to mantion a few vain
> attempts at expressing my feelings. Argh!
Yes, we've noticed that. But as long as you dont tell us _exactly_ what you
did ("I read the man page and did all whats written there and it doesn't work"
won't help here) we can't help you by either pointing out your mistake, or
finding a possible system bug.
Thats the great thing about text configuration files, btw. You can copy
a line and add it to a mail message, so that others can look at it.