Subject: Re: VS3100 Monitor port pinout & other stuff.
To: Geoff Roberts <>
From: Thomas Kula <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/20/1998 21:58:26
At 11:55 AM +0930 9/21/98, Geoff Roberts wrote:
>Someone know how to get a Decstation 3100 (MIPS chip) into console mode? I
>can't find a magic switch on it anywhere.
I managed to aquire one and got it to use the printer port as a serial
terminal by opening it up and taking out the frame buffer. It is the other
thing that looks like memory, but not like the bank of RAM on the one side.
Since I don't have a monitor for it, existing without the frame buffer is
okay--I can't recall off hand if NetBSD even supports the frame buffer on
the DS 3100. Anyone?
* The Weirdo in Residence: Thomas L. Kula -=137=- | *
* "Though it may not be a long way off, I | *
* won't be done until my head falls off." -TMBG | "Weird Gratia Weirdus" *