Subject: Re: okey, its time to get some more terminals.
To: Johnny Billquist <bqt@Update.UU.SE>
From: Geoff Roberts <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/18/1998 11:26:51
-----Original Message-----
From: Johnny Billquist <bqt@Update.UU.SE>
To: Ronny Svedman <ronny@Update.UU.SE>
Cc: Gunnar Helliesen <>;
Date: Friday, 18 September 1998 1:44
Subject: RE: okey, its time to get some more terminals.

>On Thu, 17 Sep 1998, Ronny Svedman wrote:

>> The ka630 is Painfully slow, and i can't run it in mu student's room at
>> night, or i'll die from dehydration (i have approximately 29 degrees
>> celsius in here, with the window partially open- if i open it more my
>> papers on the desk will blow away... :-/ )
>Bha! Complaints. I had the 3500 running 24/7 in my student room. Along
>with three RA9x drives.

29 is just about warm enough to think about taking off jumpers.
44 in the shade, now that's getting hot.

I have a MvaxII running VMS 5.4 on standby if there's anything the config
can help you with,
though it doesn't have an ethernet card. Unfortunately. :^(


Geoff Roberts
Computer Systems Manager
Saint Marks College
Port Pirie  South Australia.
My ICQ# is 1970476
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      61-8-8633-0619 (Home)
      61-8-8633-8834 (Work-Direct)
      61-8-8633-0104 (Fax)