Subject: Re: Vax PPP help request.
To: None <>
From: Ken Wellsch <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/07/1998 14:18:46
| Thanks Ken for the suggestions.
| When running 1.1A, I had set up my getttytab properly for terminals.
| Since going to later versions, I have only been using psuedo terms, via
| ether.
| I think I have this mental block abot gettytabs.
| So, all my ttys are disabled. I can fix that fairly easy!
| My new question is this:
| Should I use tty00 (or equiv) as my ppp device or should I use ttyS0 (or
| equiv)?
| Thanks again for any help!
| bob
Okay, as usual I leave out too many details. I only mentioned the /etc/ttys
business should you not have "kermit" available or equiv. For running "ppp"
you definitely do not want to have the tty enabled via /etc/ttys. But before
trying "ppp" you may wish to confirm the line is operational via a glass
tty to the port you will use with your modem.
Since you have mentioned that you have a DHQ, the tty range I expect it
will map to is /dev/ttyS[0-7]. Thus /dev/ttyS0 is the first port and so
If you have "kermit" you may just want to confirm you can talk to the modem.
% kermit
C-Kermit 6.0.192, 6 Sep 96, for NetBSD
Copyright (C) 1985, 1996,
Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
Default file-transfer mode is BINARY
Type ? or HELP for help.
vax> set line /dev/ttyS0
vax> set speed 19200
vax> set parity none
vax> quit
If this is the case, no need to try testing with a terminal. Since you'll
be using pretty much the same path via "ppp." The above gives me the
confidence to know that if I get things right, my ppp chat script should
likewise be able to talk with the modem.
But if you can't do the above, you may then wish to try a less accurate
(i.e. it will not determine that you can talk with the modem, but will
at least confirm the port you've selected and that it "works.").
Edit /etc/ttys and you'll need to add entries like this:
ttyS0 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" unknown off secure
(just "clone" the tty00 entry I think).
Then change the "off" in the above to "on."
Now let the "init" process know about what you want by hitting it with
a HUP signal, i.e. "kill -1 1" and it will re-read the /etc/ttys file,
and spawn a "getty" process on any/all ports that are enabled.
(do a "ps" to be sure you see a "getty" on say tty "S0")
(oh and don't mistype that kill line - hitting init with another
signal can potential bring your system down asap depending on the # 8-)
If you connect a terminal to the enabled port, you should get a login
banner - you can login and do whatever - confirm the port works etc.
Now don't forget to edit /etc/ttys and turn the port off before going
on to use it to talk with a modem! Getty just doesn't gronk talking
to a modem and you'll find having another process fighting over the
line gives some really bizarre effects! (do the "kill -1 1" after
updating /etc/ttys to kill the getty! - do a "ps" to make sure!)
Anyway, sorry for going on so long, I am sure this could be described
much more succinctly...
By this point, all you've done is gain access to a serial port. PPP
is another matter still to come!
-- Ken