Subject: Re: Trouble with mopd
To: Jonas Oberg <>
From: Mats O Jansson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/04/1998 22:36:34
On Fri, 4 Sep 1998, Jonas Oberg wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to netboot a VS3100 here from a Linux machine running a
> libc6 debian. To get MOP-support, I've compiled mopd-linux-2.5.3.
> Trouble comes when I try to boot the VS3100 from the ethernet
> interface. moptrace says that the VAX is trying to use protocol 0x6001
> (MOP Download), which is fine. But mopd says (when i debug it) that
> the same VAX, doing the same thing, is trying to use protocol 0x3120.
> If I force it to accept 0x3120 as a MOP Download I can see that the
> sending ethernet numbers and all things like it are also screwed up.
> So somehow, moptrace gets the right side of the story whilst mopd just
> can't cope with the situation.
> Anyone has any ideas about what might be wrong?
In my opinon you have problems if you don't get the correct protocol.
Trying to use the one you get is asking for trouble. I should think you
have some problem with an offset. But the information you give me is too
little to be able to second guess. A complete packet byte by byte should
help, and all information returned by mopGetHeader in mopProcess in
mopd.c. But I don't think the rest of the list is intrested...
The next question is WHAT in Linux is wrong? My guess is not the kernel
but the libc version you are using. I've heard that there is instances
where the kernel and libc doesn't agree over size of types. I don't know
if thats the problem in this case...
> --
> Jonas -