Subject: Re: Shared filesystems & VS3100 m76 netboot
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/24/1998 09:40:51
Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN

#Does 1.3.2 support the 3100 m/76 at all, or do I have to get a -current
#installation? I have got myself a Vt320 with cable for the Vaxstation, so
#I'll not be using the graphic console anyway.. 
Actually, is there any chance of someone putting together a small document
on what we need to get and do to get 3100-76's working? There seems to be -
at least in my opinion - quite a lot of interest in it, so it would be 

#/Ronny (knowing a little less than needed, but enough to be dangerous)
Bob Cross, (knowing no more than half as much as /Ronny, and hence
  likely to be at least twice as dangerous)
