Subject: Re: NetBooting
To: Brian D Chase <>
From: J. Buck Caldwell <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/21/1998 09:41:22
Brian D Chase wrote:

> My netboot HOWTO is about 7 months out of date I'm afraid.  The mopable

I'll say it is. What the hell is a BPF? :>  ktrace showed that that's what the
problem with mopd was. So I created 4 in the server's /dev directory. Do I need them
in the client's?

As it stands now, I've replaced the 3600 boardset in the client with a II boardset.
I'm booting from a 3600 running NetBSD/vax. I b/100 xqa0 on the client, tell it
mopboot (I've also tried the ethernet-addressed based one without the /100), and
mopd on the server responds with about 4 lines of stuff. Then it responds with loads
of stuff - overrunning my poor little VT240. Sooner or later, I'll do this from a
telnet session and grab all the details. Anyway - the console port (did I mention, I
have a QDSS on this system?) comes to life, shows the kernel select prompt, and the
:/netbsd - then I run into trouble. The console says:
>> NetBSD/vax boot [date/time]
: /netbsd
netboot: no interfaces left untried

In short, I never get the boot: client IP address. as soon as the /netbsd is up, the
error message comes up.

Also - I'm assuming that in the bootparams file, the bootserver:/ should be replaced
with the name of my boot server, right? Also - do I or do I not need the regular
boot in the /exports/blacklight/root directory?

J. Buck Caldwell

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