Subject: PUTR matters.. (surprisingly :-)
To: None <>
From: Erno Palonheimo <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/10/1998 21:09:36
I'll keep on asking stupid questions until I get my uVAX running :-)

I was trying to get the RX50 bootfloppy written using PUTR software. I
formatted a 360k drive and right after that I tried to COPY/DEVICE/BINARY
the bootdisk image onto the floppy but it failed complaining about General
Failure. Is this the right method of doing the disk images? I tried
without /BINARY but it didn't work either.

   Erno Palonheimo -x- -x- GSM +358400615281

0. It doesn't matter to you if someone else's computer is faster because
   you know your system could smash theirs flat if it fell over on it.