Subject: VS4000-60's for sale
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jerome Tonneson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/15/1998 23:34:12
There is a place on the net selling VAXstation 4000-60's (in addition to
other DEC equipment)... Contact Will Goosman ( or visit
his web site:

He has some systems with 32 MB RAM and an RZ23L for 175$Canadian, and
some with 8 MB RAM and no fixed disks for 120$Canadian.  He is willing
to ship these systems anywhere in the world.  I have no connection to
this person or his company other than as a satisfied customer - my
merchandise was shipped quickly, packaged well, and fully operational when
it arrived.  For the USA, subtract about 20% to 30% to figure out what
the cost would be in US dollars.

NetBSD does not support the 4000-60 yet, but as others have mentioned
getting hardware for a particular system is a very important step 
towards support for that system.

I think the prices listed for these systems are pretty good, so hopefully
they can be acquired pretty easily by NetBSD folks.  Besides, didn't Ragge 
drop a hint a while back about some work being done with a 4000-60? :-) 
