Subject: Re: hdd booting 3100/M76/SPX
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: emanuel stiebler <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/03/1998 14:03:09
Hi all,
> From: Paul Apprich <>
> To: port-vax@NetBSD.ORG
> Subject: hdd booting 3100/M76/SPX
> Date: Thursday, July 02, 1998 6:49 PM
> Has there been any success booting these 3100/M76's from scsi hard
> drives?
I trying it the first time, so don't blame me ;-))
i had no pronlems build in a SCSI disk. Jumper to SCSI id 0, disk show up
as DKA0... fuji disk ...
is ok,
I disklabel it, made my filesystems.
got a complete NetBSD 1.3.2 version and installed it on the disk (via net).
disks are ok, fsck of /dev/sd0a & /dev/sd0d are no problem.
but if i try to boot:
b dka0
al i got is a :
howto 0x0, bdev 0x2a, booting...Boot failed, saerrno 2
-ESA 0
and the box get netbooted again.
any help would be great, this is my first one with a HD.