Subject: Re: 'ps' on 1.3F?
To: Anders Magnusson <>
From: Arno Griffioen <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/01/1998 11:13:13
> > All works well, except for:
> > 
> > nerdvax# ps -ax
> > ps: proc size mismatch (11856 total, 620 chunks)
> >
> When switching to the new UVM kernels, you need to recompile all binaries
> that digs around in /dev/{mem,kmem}. Put 'UVM=1' in /etc/mk.conf and compile.

That did the trick.

$ ps -ax
    0 ??  DLs    0:00.10 (swapper)
    1 ??  Is     0:00.95 /sbin/init 
    2 ??  DL     0:00.02 (pagedaemon)
   85 ??  Ss     1:47.63 syslogd 
  125 ??  Ss     0:14.33 update 30 
  127 ??  Ss     0:17.65 cron 
  146 ??  Is     0:00.30 lpd 
  151 ??  Is     0:05.88 /usr/sbin/sendmail -bd -q30m 
  160 ??  Is     0:00.45 inetd 
  162 ??  Is     5:56.62 /usr/local/sbin/sshd 
  346 ??  S<s    0:50.51 xntpd 
 7376 ??  S      0:34.17 /usr/local/sbin/sshd 
 7611 ??  S      0:13.04 /usr/local/sbin/sshd 
 7751 ??  Ss     0:07.98 /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd 
 7800 ??  I      0:00.12 /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd 
 7802 ??  I      0:00.16 /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd 
 7803 ??  I      0:00.23 /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd 
 7804 ??  I      0:00.14 /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd 
 7806 ??  I      0:00.20 /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd 
 7380 p0  Is     0:03.95 -bash (bash)
 7703 p0  S      0:07.36 bash 
 7707 p0  T      0:05.37 make clean 
 7709 p0  T      0:00.21 /bin/sh -ec cd /usr/src/lib;  make "_THISDIR_=lib/" cl
 7710 p0  T      0:08.90 make _THISDIR_ clean 
 7729 p0  T      0:00.23 /bin/sh -ec cd /devel/usr/src/lib/libc;  make "_THISDI
 7730 p0  T      1:25.27 make _THISDIR_ clean 
 7818 p0  R+     0:00.19 ps -ax 
 7613 p1  Is     0:02.42 -bash (bash)
 7626 p1  S+     0:05.85 irc -S Arno (irc-2.8)
 7627 p1  I+     0:00.35 ircserv 6667 
 2433 ??  Is+    0:00.15 /usr/libexec/getty std.9600 console 

There's only no /etc/mk.conf on my setup, so I added 'vax' to under 'Systems that use UVM's new pmap interface.'

Thanks for the help!

Now I have to figure out why my self-compiled KA650-only kernel
dies in the pmap call and the precompiled kernel works fine..

							Bye Arno.

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