Subject: Re: bitch bitch bitch was RE: KA6x0 support
To: Oscar Oberg <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/24/1998 11:24:55
On Wed, 24 Jun 1998, Oscar Oberg wrote:
> > Can you file a PR on it?
> Don't have my NetBSD box hooked up to the net.. Is there a web interface?
> > > b) Default behaviour for any error was to start over from the beginning
> > >
> > What do you define as an error here?
> In my opinion it should jump back one level. For example, if my FTP
> install fails, I'd rather go back and try an NFS install than start over
> from the partitioning stage.
Best to include that in a PR to make sure it does not all through
the cracks...
> > > If these things were fixed, however, it would be a great install process.
> > >
> > I believe that is the intended plan :)
> Can't wait to see it working on VAX..
It sounds like a nice job for someone with C knowledge, but
without the experience/desire to work on kernel stuff. I'm sure
Ragge could run it off without any real effort, but new machine
support is probably a much better priority :)
-=- "Why am I seething with this animosity" -=-