Subject: Re: VS3100 clock and console weirdness
To: Anders Magnusson <>
From: Marc.Gutschner <marc@Frankfurt.NetSurf.DE>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/22/1998 00:25:51
On Sun, 21 Jun 1998, Anders Magnusson wrote:

Whoo, thanks for this lightnig fast reply :-)

> > 
> You must comment out the line
> tty00   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   unknown off secure
> in your /etc/ttys. Otherwise it will change the keyboard speed
> to 9600 and it will end to respond.
Ok, I'll try that. But what about the 'console' entry ? It also references
a baud rate of 9600. Will it render the console 'unsecure' if I comment it
out ?

> Yes, if it's a /m38 you can have 32MB in it without problem.
Good Thing (tm) :-)

> > Another question that Ragge may be able to answer. I have just SUPped the
> > current kernel but the 'config' utility seems to create an incomplete
> > Makefile. During the link phase it complains about unresolved symbols.
> >
> If you're having a 1.3 config, you need to update it. Just fetch the
> latest config source and compile it.
Ok, I must admit I'm dumb - You may call me M.S. if you like >:->
I have SUPed 'allsrc', compiled config and did NOT install it...

By the way, what about this 'troff dumps core when compiled with -O' ? I
am not that proficient with the BSD Makefile mechanisms, but isn't it
possible to create a special rule somewhere in the System Makefiles or the
GNU roff Makefiles to compile the pertaining parts without optimization ?
> -- Ragge > > 
