Subject: Re: Netbooting KA650 w/DELQA?
To: Tom Ivar Helbekkmo <tih+mail@Hamartun.Priv.NO>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/31/1998 16:03:45
When I examined the dip switch block on my DELQA, all 5 switches were
already set to the open position. The "show ethernet" and "test 82"
commands confirmed that in this configuration the DELQA was at CSR
17774440 and in DELQA mode.
On 31 May 1998, Tom Ivar Helbekkmo wrote:
> Switch 1 is open for first DELQA in the system, CSR 17774440, closed
> for second DELQA, which uses CSR 17774460.
I would have to agree :-)
> Switch 3 is closed for normal operations in DELQA mode, open to put
> the interface into "DEQNA-lock" compatibility mode.
On mine, switch 3 was open for DELQA mode, when I switched it closed the
KA650 reported it as being in DEQNA-lock mode.
> Switch 4 is closed to disable remote MOP boot when operating in the
> normal, DELQA mode, open to enable remote boot in this mode. When
> running in DEQNA-lock mode, switch 4 is closed to disable the sanity
> timer, open to enable it.
I left this alone since I was able to MOPload fine. Unfortunately I'm
still unable to get the machine to netboot with the DELQA in DEQNA mode.
It's not a cabling problem as the machine can successfully transfer data
over the ethernet via MOP, and I don't think it's a hardware problem with
the DELQA for the same reason. I may play around with some of the
switches a bit more to see if anything magic happens, but I've a feeling
that there are some subtle differences between a real DEQNA and the
DELQA's DEQNA-lock mode.
Brian "JARAI" Chase | | VAXZilla LIVES!!!