Subject: Problem netbooting 3100/76/SPX
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Chris Hedley <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/25/1998 15:11:33
Hi all,

at long last I've finally decided to give NetBSD a try on my VAXstation
3100/76 with SPX.  I've so far succeeded in getting the mopd daemon on my
Linux-based PC to answer its requests and it runs the initial boot loader,
but any attempt to get this to download the OS or anything else fails with
the message "?50 SCB2NTINT, ESA0" and the VAX aborts the boot and tries
again.  I've checked through the manual and also done an AltaVista search
of the Web and Usenet but, other than another couple of people asking the
same thing with no (obvious) answer, I can't find any mention of this.

I've heard that there may be some hardware issues that may get in the way
of a successful boot, so I've tried various combinations of removing some
SIMMs, the SPX card and even one or both chains of SCSI devices, all to no
avail.  Can anyone make any suggestions, or think of anything else I
should try?

Thanks in anticipation,
