Subject: Re: Problems with network in 1.3
To: Rick Copeland <>
From: Arno Griffioen <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/20/1998 21:52:50
> Below is a printout of the boot up sequence, login, cat of hosts, cat of
> myname and hostname.qe0.  Then a sample of what comes up when I do a ping
> to a Sparc 2 running 1.3 that I have used with this 3600 (NFS) for sometime
> when it was running NetBSD 1.1.
> Sorry for the long posting!

Here's the nasty bugger:

> configuring network interfaces:.

It didn't config your network interface.. (notice the lack of any 
info between the : and the . )

1.3B on my machine uses the file '/etc/ifconfig.qe0' to config 
it's ethernet port.

This is in my file:

NetBSD:ttyp3:arno $ cat /etc/ifconfig.qe0 
inet nerdvax netmask 0xfffffff0 broadcast

Hope it helps..

							Bye Arno.

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