Subject: RE: VS4000
To: 'Yubyub Bird' <>
From: Gunnar Helliesen <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/15/1998 14:38:22
Yubyub Bird wrote:
> use different cpus and have different enet. Do you know if there is
> anything in common about the 4000 series? It seems that
> everyone I talk
> to says they all run different cpu, enet, scsi, etc... That
Here's what I know (I've Cc'ed this reply to the port-vax list in case
anyone would care to correct/add to this information).
This table is snipped from the "VMS CPU Model Summary (14th October
1993)" at
SID | X | Id | Speed | Bus | Model Name |
---- Rigel chip series (1990) - Decimal SID = 184549376
0B | 1 | 670 | 8.0 | Q,D | VAX 4000 model 300 | Pele
---- Mariah chip series (1991) - Decimal SID = 301989888
12 | 1 | 690 | 16 | Q,D | VAX 4000 model 400 |
12 | 4 | 46 | 12 | T,S | VAXstation 4000 model 60 |
---- NVAX chip series (1991) - Decimal SID = 318767104
* 13 | 1 | 69D | 24 | Q,D | VAX 4000 model 500, 500A |
* 13 | 1 |1303 | 24 | Q,D | VAX 4000 model 100, 100A |
* 13 | 1 | 690 | 32 | Q,D | VAX 4000 model 600, 600A |
* 13 | 1 | 690 | 40 | Q,D | VAX 4000 model 700A |
* 13 | 4 | 49 |32.8 S | T,S | VAXstation 4000 model 90 |
---- SOC chip series (1991) - Decimal SID = 335544320
14 | 1 | 660 | 5.0 | Q,D | VAX 4000 model 200 |
14 | 4 | 440 | 6.2 S | S | VAXstation 4000 VLC (model 30) |
AFAIK, there are four main "types" of 4000 machines:
Small servers in cabinets that look like the uVAX3100-40 (double-height
"pizza box"). SCSI and Ethernet on CPU board. Qbus expansion possible
through cable to external Qbus cabinet.
CPU upgrade for uVAX3600 (and others?). DSSI and Ethernet on CPU board.
No SCSI (but possible addition through Qbus card).
4000-300, 400, 500/505/505A, 600/605/605A and 700/705/705A:
Qbus machines with built-in dual DSSI disk controllers and built-in
Ethernet (on the CPU board). No SCSI (but possible addition through Qbus
card). Cabinets look a lot like the uVAX3300/3400 cabinets, only a bit
4000-VLC, 60, 90 and 90A:
Workstations in "pizza box" cabinets. However, the cabinets are not
identical to any of the 3100-series, they are 100% plastic and a bit
more "rounded". Ethernet and SCSI on CPU board.
I have no idea how much the different types have in common with each
other. We need more info from DEC about this.
Gunnar Helliesen | Bergen IT Consult AS | NetBSD/VAX on a uVAX II
Systems Consultant | Bergen, Norway | '86 Jaguar Sovereign 4.2 | | '73 Mercedes 280 (240D)