Subject: VS3100 kernel..
To: None <ragge@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Burrows <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/09/1998 15:33:29
A while back you replied to an email I sent about the VS3100, that the
kernel image on multivac was probably unsuitable for what I wanted.
(Probably because it doesn't work) :) Anyway, I downloaded a sys.tar.gz
from netbsd-current and the appropriate config.tar.gz. I followed the
HOWTO on how to build the kernel, and I even got as far as linking the
kernel but then received the following errors.
ioconf.o: Undefined symbol `_ln_ca' referenced from data segment
if_ethersubr.o: Undefined symbol `_arpresolve' referenced from text segment
if_ethersubr.o: Undefined symbol `_revarpinput' referenced from text segment
if_le.o: Undefined symbol `_am7990_copytobuf_contig' referenced from text segment
if_le.o: Undefined symbol `_am7990_copyfrombuf_contig' referenced from text segment
if_le.o: Undefined symbol `_am7990_copytobuf_contig' referenced from text segment
if_le.o: Undefined symbol `_am7990_copyfrombuf_contig' referenced from text segment
if_le.o: Undefined symbol `_am7990_zerobuf_contig' referenced from text segment
if_le.o: Undefined symbol `_am7990_config' referenced from text segment
if_le.o: Undefined symbol `_am7990_intr' referenced from text segment
What can I do? Do you have more up to date sources than the ones from
-current? Could you send me a more appropriate config?
Any pointers would be graciously received. :)
PS.. Now I think about it that ln_ca should probably be le_ca ? and the
am7990 stuff hasn't been compiled.. Do I need this? I don't even have a
clue about the arpresolve and revarpinput though.. :(