Subject: Re: Adventures with QDSS
To: Boris Gjenero <>
From: J. Buck Caldwell <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/16/1998 04:48:32
Boris Gjenero wrote:

> J. Buck Caldwell wrote:
> > went away. But there's still one thing bothering me - MORE. Whenever I use more (man, listing files,
> Weird... more works for me.

OK - so, we had a storm last night. I shut the machine down. Had to switch some cards around, anyway. So I
boot it back up, and MORE and all now work fine. Starts printing wherever you happen to be, shows me a
full screen, scrolls nicely, &ct. Went away.

> > Also - the little question - in man, I see codes <> that indicate something should be underlined or
> > blocked - will this eventualy be supported?
> Hmm... you shouldn't.  Are you *sure* that you're using qdss as your
> terminal type?  If you aren't that would explain more and man.
> In any case, I admit that the qdss terminal type really sucks and the
> driver should be using some other emulation instead.  Any suggestions?

OK: Now the only codes I see are <AD> where there should be a '-'. But, I wasn't specificaly looking for a
blocked or underlined or what have you section, so I don't know if those are handled right or not. I have
a QDSS tech manual, but since the QDSS isn't a serial display, it can't just be a matter of changing the
terminal type def? I've never really dug too deep into this part before.

> > Damn, alright, one more question, I promise, this will be the last. Ever since putting in my QDSS,
> > my DHV11 has been giving me Silo errors. Can I change around the Q-bus order as so: KA650, MEM, MEM,
> > MEM, DELNI/GRANT, DHV11, QDSS, QDSS, QDSS, TQK50/RQDX3 ? I assume that if you put the DHV11 closer
> > to the CPU, it'll work better - but will that do anything detrimental to the QDSS?
> By all means change the order.  The QDSS does DMA and it probably isn't
> being very nice to your DHV11.  Mine is before the MSCP disk controllers
> but after everything else and it is happy.

So I put the QDSS after everything - including the MSCP controllers - and it works fine. Although I think
I have a flakey DHV11 - it's still giving me silo errors, even as the first item in the buss. It occurred
to me, however, that before I put the QDSS in (ie, before the problem started) I was using my second DHV11
for my modem. I'll swap them tonight and see what happens.

Thanks to everyone for the help!
J. Buck Caldwell

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