Subject: Adventures with QDSS
To: Vax NetBSD Port Mailing List <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: J. Buck Caldwell <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/15/1998 12:12:31
Kay, so, I downloaded the right kernel &such, and BOOM it works well (with the exception that the
first-stage bootloader still goes to the serial console, but I'll fix that later). However, I wasn't
satisfied. I played around, found the teminal type QDSS and used it, and voila, most of my troubles
went away. But there's still one thing bothering me - MORE. Whenever I use more (man, listing files,
&ct), it jumps down to the middle of the screen and starts there. And when I hit space for the next
page, it goes back up to the middle of the page, does NOT clear the screen, and prints new over old.
By the time you're 3 pages in, it's mostly unreadable.
So: The big question. Am I doing something wrong, or is this the current state of QDSS support?
Also - the little question - in man, I see codes <> that indicate something should be underlined or
blocked - will this eventualy be supported?
Another note - I gave up on putting X on it for now - I'm outta drive space on this one, will have
to wait until I get another running (read: lugged downstairs) using the SDI disks and NFS mount the
X files <?> and source. Oh yea - another little question: is the DILOG SQ739 SCSI controller
supported yet? I think I remember hearing something, but I can't remember.
Damn, alright, one more question, I promise, this will be the last. Ever since putting in my QDSS,
my DHV11 has been giving me Silo errors. Can I change around the Q-bus order as so: KA650, MEM, MEM,
MEM, DELNI/GRANT, DHV11, QDSS, QDSS, QDSS, TQK50/RQDX3 ? I assume that if you put the DHV11 closer
to the CPU, it'll work better - but will that do anything detrimental to the QDSS?
J. Buck Caldwell
Engineer - Technical Support - Webmaster
Polygon, Inc. phone: (314) 432-4142
PO Box 8470 fax: (314) 997-9696
St. Louis, MO 63132 bbs: (314) 997-9682