Subject: Re: Forbidden subject?
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Allison J Parent <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/12/1998 11:36:33
<I've got the box. I've got the desire, time, and ability to make it work
<I just need to know how this box differs from the VS2000. Does _anyone_
<have hardware docs on the VS4000?
Ther vs2000 and the VS4000 have one thing in common, vax archetecture.
They were seperated by enough years that they are different designs and
the vs3100 series, 3400s, 3500s were inbetween. And yes a port for that
would be desirable.
The problem with ports for vaxen that I see is not enough info and people
that can do kernel and driver level work that also know netbsd.