Subject: Re: Hardware Support Question
To: Johnny Billquist <bqt@Update.UU.SE>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/11/1998 20:35:59
> This also means that scenario a and b is impossible today, while c depends
> on the machine crashing hard enough that the port is released.
When starting porting NetBSD, I used a dual-ported RP06, connected to two
11/750's. One running Reno and the other test-boot machine. Real fun 
actually, but this wasn't a problem because the Massbuss interface never
allocates a port.

> The HSCs might also support some sort of sharing dual-ported drives, but
> I'm not sure. I would suspect VMS only supports dual-ported drives in the
> same manner as RSX.
It works good to play with Ultrix and mount the same disks on all machines
connected to the HSC. Unfortunately Ultrix doesn't understand this, so 
the filesystems must be mounted RO, otherwise real strange things happen :-)

-- Ragge