Subject: Cross-pollinating VAXen
To: Vax NetBSD Port Mailing List <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: J. Buck Caldwell <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/01/1998 09:45:59
Since nobody on comp.os.dec knows the answer:
  I've got these two MicroVAX 3600's - which aren't so Micro - and was wondering if I could take the
CPU/MEM and put them in the BA123 I've got at home in place of the MVII CPU/MEM. Also, will the
BA123 CPU Bulkhead adapter work with a KA650? The connecters LOOK the same, but...

Also: Can a KDA50 and RQDX3 co-exist in the same backplane?

Also: Anybody have a RA90 Fault Code list/Hardware manual?

J. Buck Caldwell

               Engineer - Technical Support - Webmaster
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