Subject: Re: RX33/RX whatever floppy goes into the RX end of the uV2K
To: Rick Copeland <>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/24/1998 07:35:10
On Mon, 23 Mar 1998, Rick Copeland wrote:

> Find out who owns this server and lets complain! Can't the owner procmail
> him direct!

Call me a hippy tree loving freek if you will, but I don't much believe in
mass censorship like this.  I think it should be done on an individual
basis.  Personally I procmail him into his own folder such that I can
digest his essays when my mood suits such activities.

Of course procmail doesn't help those who don't have their account
or e-mail based on a Unix ISP.

One way around this would be to find someone nice enough to setup filtered
e-mail acounts on a Unix server of theirs.  The address you would
subscribe to the list with would be this special filtered address. Then on
this filtered e-mail relay machine, the messages which you filtered out
would get dumped to /dev/null and only the desired messages would get

Certainly someones already set up something like this out there with all
the junk e-mail and stuff floating around these days

Brian "JARAI" Chase | | VAXZilla LIVES!!!