Subject: Re: netbooting a Microvax2000 ??
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Sokolov <sokolov@alpha.CES.CWRU.Edu>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/16/1998 11:29:52
Brian D Chase <> wrote:
> We don't have many people using straight MicroVAX
> 2000's (or at least none that are very vocal). Mostly I hear from people
> netbooting VAXstation 2000's, but from what I understand the two are
> pretty much identical with respect to their basic design.
They are ABSOLUTELY IDENTICAL (the exact same hardware, simply one jumper set
differently and different cables connected to the ports on the back). Since
NetBSD currently doesn't support BabyVAX video, all NetBSD users are converting
their VS2000s into MV2000s, so the people you hear from are actually using the
latter, even though their machines say "VAXstation 2000" on the box. (Well,
most people probably don't bother changing the licensing jumper, but free OSes
like NetBSD completely disregard it anyway.)
Michael Sokolov
Phone: 440-449-0299
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