Subject: KA630 ROM routine console I/O support in boot and standalone tools
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Boris Gjenero <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/14/1998 09:32:21
I've added support for the KA630 ROM console I/O routines in boot and
the other standalone stuff.  Now on the KA630 the ROM is used instead of
the serial console processor registers.  This works for QDSS and I hope
it also works for the serial console and QVSS, but I haven't tried it.  

The stuff may be found in:
The binaries are 1.3BETA, but the diff is applicable to -current as well
because consio.c hasn't changed recently.

The only problem is that xxboot is now a bit bigger (8248 bytes instead
of 8080 bytes).  edlabel warns me that it overlaps the a and c
partitions and refuses to write it to disk.  I thought that 16k is

|  Boris Gjenero <>              |
|  Home page:     |
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