Subject: Open letter to Mr. Sokolov
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Arno Griffioen <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/07/1998 12:21:08
I hardly ever get to the point of getting on my soapbox, but this is getting
completely absurd so I feel compelled to do something..

Mr. Sokolov what is it you are trying to do???

So far all I have seen from you boils down to the following key

Mr Sokolov thinks:

	NetBSD sucks
	Any OS that's not officially BSD sucks
	I know everything better
	I am going to build a much better OS than you wimps!

But I have to make the following observations:

I am not even remotely interested in your OS.
	From your long messages I must assume that it will
	probably still not 'free'. As I don't have the $$$ to get
	a UNIX(TM) license... You get the point.

Your attitude towards Ragge and other people here on the list is very,
very rude to say the least. 
	They have done a great job with limited means and should be
	supported for that. Other people here have been very close to
	the development of some of our beloved machines so you can
	safely assume they have a _bit_ more experience than you.
	(sarcasm intended). 

The list you are posting to is port-VAX for NetBSD.
	Some off-topic stuff can't be avoided. Heck, even some PDP-11
	messages creep in from time to time, but just about _every_
	message your write is either irrelevant to NetBSD or
	meant to discredit it. This is port-vax. If you don't
	like it then bugger off!

Your attitude is very, very wrong
	Instead of politely asking on the list for some help
	with your project and basing discussions on actual pieces
	of code, the only thing I see is a very nasty little person
	who keeps bugging people with misconceptions based on 
	assumptions he has never shown to be true or false.

What people like and dislike in an OS is a purely personal preference.
I think I can safely say here that I'm more of a Linux person
myself, but as there is no Linux/VAX yet and I don't like Ultrix 
(personal preference again!!) this is the next-best
thing. If I get some more time again I'm perfectly willing to add my 
(meager) programming skills to the NetBSD effort. I'm not a howling 

What I'm asking of you is that you stop abusing this mailing list
for your personal vendetta against NetBSD and other OS'es and
set up your own mailing list for your project. You can then invite
people to join the effort in that list, but please leave the 
port-vax list alone.

Oh.. Don't bother responding to this message. I have already
added you to my procmailrc so all your mail is filtered 

							Bye Arno.

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