Subject: cross compilation question..
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Burrows <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/03/1998 10:56:56
Can I use my p133 running linux to compile netbsd-vax binaries? It sounds
horribly complex to me, because not only is it a different architecture,
its a different OS too. :)
The reason I ask, is it would save on compile times for me.. So far I've
compiled fetchmail, pine, bash, BitchX, and as I'm writing this, lynx..
I'm always thinking of new things to compile.. :P
/me eagerly awaits VS3100 graphics support.. :) (I am drooling at the
thought of running BitchX in high resolution text mode on a 20 or so inch
monitor) :)