Subject: Re: X now works on QDSS!!!
To: Boris Gjenero <>
From: David Burrows <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/02/1998 16:35:04
On Sun, 1 Mar 1998, Boris Gjenero wrote:

> I've finally got the QDSS driver to work with X.  I ran a 4.3BSD Xqdss
> binary and it actually worked.  Apparently all this time chasing panics
> and rebooting the MicroVAX II has paid off.   Now the QDSS works both as
> a console and under X. 
> BTW.  This must mean that the 4.3BSD emulation is rather good.

Cool! Your level of excitement tells me this must be good! :)  I'd be even
more excited if I had a MicroVAX II though.. :)  Instead I have a
VaxStation 3100, which lacks any kind of graphics support in NetBSD :(..
Does VaxStation support QDSS too? I'd like to get either X or console mode
happening if possible, the ultimate would obviously be both.  :)

Does anyone actually have a VaxStation 3100? Or is this one of the least
popular models..

The next best thing to graphics for me would be shared libraries.. :)

