Subject: QDSS kernel and source available
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Boris Gjenero <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/02/1998 00:34:59
First of all, I'm sorry that my last message got mailed twice.  I
noticed something I wanted to change just when I hit send in Netscape. 
I hit stop and it worked, so I assumed that it didn't send the message,
but apparently it did.

Anyways, I've decided to put up the source with QDSS modifications and a
compiled kernel.  They can be found at:

vqd.tar.gz is a tar of the entire /sys/arch/vax directory except for
compile.  I just uploaded the whole thing because it is simpler and it's
getting late.  The changes basically consist of significant changes to
uba/qd.c, minor changes to vax/pmap.c and uba/uba.c.  Also, I've added
some include files and uba/qfont.c from 4.4BSD_Lite with one minor
modification in one file.

If anybody actually wants to compile it, well, here are a few hints:
- config doesn't know about qfont.c, so you'll probably have to add it
to the makefile
- compile qd.c without optimization.  I still haven't gotten around to
putting volatile in all the right places.
- This is from a late December 1.3BETA

As for the precompiled kernel, that should work on any uVAX II with a
QDSS.  X runs well... I was running xtetris on it, and now my uVAX is in
multi-user mode with that kernel.

Anyways, I've put this up so whoever is interested can take a look at it
and/or play with it.  Remember, it's all at your own risk, and this
should be considered alpha.  If anybody has any important
suggestions/bug reports, I'd like to hear them.  I should be able to
continue with this next weekend.

|  Boris Gjenero <>              |
|  Home page:     |
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