Subject: Re: Retrocomputing, VAXen, and NetBSD
To: Michael Sokolov <sokolov@alpha.CES.CWRU.Edu>
From: Jacob H. Suter <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/22/1998 00:23:44
> Jacob H. Suter <> wrote:
> > The problem is with farms is that one thing goes down, its
> > broken. Lets say your central NFS server for /home and /var/mail
> > die... You're screwed.
> Why can't the same happen with a single box?
With multiple stand alone boxes you can have complete hot standby
systems. I'm never "down" to customers unless the General Telephone
Experiment (GTE) fscks something up, which then I beat them until
they're clueless and they fix it.
> > Well "new crap" isn't that bad of a thing. Forcing a school full of
> > people to use outdated stuff is pretty shitty IMHO. Students *do* pay
> > for proper Internet access.
> But what if the "outdated stuff" is _BETTER_ than new crap? I claim that
> proper ARPA Internet access is that through a VAX running Berkeley UNIX(R).
I seriously doubt that is going to be better than a semi-modern x86 or 2
or 3 running a common free Unix system (FreeBSD is what I would
recomend). Something like FreeBSD or NetBSD has a lot of people
supporting it, with BSD4.4 you find a hole you're on your own...
Its not that "proper ARPA Internet access" is a bad thing, but
technology moved on. Security holes were found, things were sped up,
and it all just works.
> > How could I play my mp3's?
> That's the difference between a moderate and a radical. Being an
> opponent of multimedia, I abstain from it and if I need to record music, I
> use standard analog magnetic tapes.
"wow" and "flutter" went out in the 80s with cassettes and record
albums. MP3 isn't perfect but I'd put it beside any 1/4" 1 7/8 ips
cassette any day, especially a hot texas summer afternoon :)
Now, the truth is you seem to just be setting up a secondary "elite
vanity" service for your school. Noble, but not terribly professional
unless you can beat money out of someone/people for it. When people
pay, they bitch, welcome to the real world. As long as its free its
pure vanity.
Although I am interested in seeing what you make of this 4.4BSD "pure"
stuff you speak of. I'll slap it on a vax here to see someday when/if
you ever do it.