Subject: MVII booting RX50/RX33
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Nigel Johnson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/18/1998 21:25:01
Has anybody brought a MVII up from floppy using the 1.3A files

I am pulling hairs out - after thoroughly testing my hardware and the
floppies on both the vaxes (one with rx50, the other with rx33) I cannot
get boot to load.  Previously, (1.2G) using the
samehardware/floppies/procedures I could at least get boot to load and
run edlabel and part of copy until it crashed.

I am doing a binary download of the files on to a pC using microsloth
ftp, using John Wilson's putr to copy the floppies, just like before,
but all I get now is

b dub2

Can anybody shed any light on this, or at least confirm that the rx boot
disk images are ok?
I tested the floppy media by running stabackit on vms and booting ok,
then re-formmated the floppies using putr and did the copy, just to be
sure I am not dealing with a media problem.

Regards and thanks in advance for any help,

Nigel Johnson