Subject: Re: Precompiled vax packages anyone?
To: Michael Sokolov <sokolov@alpha.CES.CWRU.Edu>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/18/1998 17:47:51
On February 18, Michael Sokolov wrote:
>    Certainly shared libs are a nice idea in theory, but oftentimes the
> practical problems with implementing them outweigh their advantages.
> Supporting shared libs means introducing a kludge into the kernel, the
> compiling/linking tools, and probably other things. It means getting bogged
> down in versions, search paths, etc. It's just that the headache (or pain
> in the <bodypart>, depending on how you view it) associated with shared
> libs outweighs their benefits, IMHO.

  I dunno, dude.  I use shared libs on dozens of systems, dozens of
many different platforms, all day every day...been doing so for
years...I have no problems.
