Subject: Re: Retrocomputing, VAXen, and NetBSD
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG, sokolov@alpha.CES.CWRU.Edu>
From: Ben Ketcham <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/17/1998 18:15:37
Excepts from <>:
| People who engage in professional retrocomputing are much more radical.
| I am an excellent example.
Indeed. What did you say your profession was, again?
| I personally use MS Word (not WinWord) version 6.00. I run it under
| MS-DOS, dunno if it works under MS OS/2. This is what I'm typing this text
| in. The machine is an Intel 80386-based IBM PC AT-compatible, carefully
| configured to be as close as possible to the real 80286-based IBM PC AT.
May I ask why you don't use the True Vax Solution to word processing,
vi and troff? Or hell, to type plain text in, why do you need a word
processor at all? Surely, if you are wanting to pass yourself off as
a Vax Professional, knowledgeable enough about the internals of 4.3BSD
to negatively compare NetBSD to it (I've heard others make the same
comparison and come up with the opposite conclusion; myself, I don't know
enough to judge, I just like for my machines to work), you *must* be
comfortable with vi (and ed/ex :) )?
I don't think of Intel-anything as being "retro", at least for
( anything > 8080A ). I guess a 4004 would qualify as "fully retro".
Is it considered impolite to ask a person's age on Usenet?