Subject: Re: Precompiled vax packages anyone?
To: David Burrows <>
From: Andy Sporner <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/16/1998 14:27:45
David Burrows wrote:
> Oh, so you like bloated binaries which waste vast quantities of ram and
> hard disk space? I'd like to hear a good reason why. Shared libraries
> are an infinitely useful feature. And lumping in fat static libs to every
> executable on your hard disk is rather inefficient, regardless of whatever
> argument you might have against shared libs.
There is a good reason for static libraries and I am saddle sore from having
to deal with that particular issue. When you are doing software for an operating
system that manages to change a lot, you have to be concerned with versions
of shared libraries. A project I am involved with has a port for Linux. I asked
the kernel version and niavely sent out a copy that was built using shared
libraries. I got complaints about core dumps that I could not reproduce. When
I sent a statically linked version, the problems went away.
I would agree with David and be in favor of shared libraries, but only on a
relatively stable platform that is not constantly evolving. I am speaking about
a difference from like a Solaris -vs- somthing build with GCC something-or-other
which has the same impact in the NetBSD community. The one thing that NetBSD
has going for it, is that there is only one distribution, which simplifies things
Here I only worry about testing things such as 1.2C, G or 1.3.
I guess I would summarize myself in saying that things tied to an O/S would
have advantages to using shared libraries, but external things would be better
statically linked so the regression testing needed is kept at a minimum.
> > And please stop calling Berkeley UNIX(R) "vaporware". It exists, and has
> > existed in a reasonable shape since 1986 when 4.3BSD, the first version with
> > satisfactory ARPA Internet support, was released.
> Can I boot this on my VaxStation 3100? :)
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Michael Sokolov
> > Phone: 440-449-0299
> > ARPA Internet SMTP mail:
> >
> Regards,
> Dave.