Subject: Re: X?
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul A Vixie <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/15/1998 22:38:04
> > What is QDSS? :)
> 	Its the graphics hardware used in the VaxStationII, also known as
> 	a VCB02. Should be usable in any q-bus vax... I dont know how this
> 	related to vaxstation 2000 and 3100 graphics hardware.

no, the QDSS (VCB02) was used in the VAXstation-II-GPX.  the monochrome
QVSS (VCB01) was used in the VAXstation-II.  the QDSS was power hungry
(somebody told me it had some ECL on it) and getting it to work in a BA23
was iffy -- DEC only sold it in the BA123.

i don't remember what the VAXstation 2000 used for color graphics -- but
didn't the VS3100 use an MFB or CFB, same as the DS3100?