Subject: Re: X?
To: David Burrows <>
From: David Brownlee <abs@NetBSD.ORG>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/15/1998 22:00:54
On Mon, 16 Feb 1998, David Burrows wrote:
> > > Is there an X server for NetBSD/Vax? That way I wouldn't need console
> > > text support as much as I could just use xterms. :)
> >
> > Well, you can have an X server, but probably not what you were looking
> > for. There is no support for actual display hardware. The only server
> > I compiled was Xprt, though you could probably compile Xnest or Xvfb. I
> > suppose you could run Xprt and have a hardcopy X terminal or something.
> > :-)
> Aah yes.. What I really want is an X Client like XFree.. All it needs is
> support for the VS3100 video controller.. (And I say that like its an easy
> task) :P
For reference: an 'X server' is a program that manages the
display hardware and input devices. Other programs (clients),
such as xterms, window managers, x-editors, games, etc connect
to it.
We now have all the X11R6 clients compiled up (Thanks to Boris!
:), as as he says he is working on the graphics hardware driver.
> > BTW. As a matter of fact at this very moment I'm working on the QDSS
> > driver. This is going slowly because there's school and other things to
> > do.
> What is QDSS? :)
Its the graphics hardware used in the VaxStationII, also known as
a VCB02. Should be usable in any q-bus vax... I dont know how this
related to vaxstation 2000 and 3100 graphics hardware.
> > > How about other OS/s, as far as I know this thing (VS3100) will only run
> > > VMS and Ultrix, which I'm told are fairly well umm crap. :)
> >
> > It would probably also run Athena-4.3BSD.
> What is this? Where can I get info on it?
Pass, though its drivers for the QDSS might prove useful reference
for someone writing similar for NetBSD :)
> On an unrelated note.. I was thinking of sticking on Ultrix for something
> to do, or maybe check out how the Linux/Vax guys are going. (Pretty
> poorly from what I gathered) :)
"I may not always say what I mean, but I usually mean what I say."