Subject: Re: Retrocomputing, VAXen, and NetBSD
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <sokolov@alpha.CES.CWRU.Edu>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/14/1998 01:04:42
   Jacob Suter <> wrote:
> > a 10000-user campus is just as demanding as a company, if not more.
> Plainly not true.  I've seen the most piss poor networks at local
> schools.  Total network & server mismanagement (plus, who the hell would
> run an Alpha 100 or 166 with VMS to support 400+ simultanious
> connections and around 12,000 total users - its slow as dirt)
   The fact that many campus networks are slow doesn't mean that their
users have no need for performance. As for mismanagement, that's what my
project is all about! INS are running the network and their UNIX system in
the most fascist and paranoid way, and I'm simply competing with them for
users. As for the performance of our campus network (CWRUnet), I can assure
you that it's not slow.
> one porn pic would lag
> out the whole network for 10+ seconds...
> whats so fun about
> telnet and ftp anyways?
   I was expecting you to ask "what's so fun about VAXen anyways?" What are
you doing on this list? This is a place for the people who greatly miss the
golden times when they were paid to work on 780s.
   Michael Sokolov
   Phone: 440-449-0299
   ARPA Internet SMTP mail: