Subject: Re: SCSI on Q-bus
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Kevin P. Neal <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/04/1998 18:07:09
At 03:28 PM 2/4/98 -0500, der Mouse wrote:
>As for Q-bus SCSI vs Q-bus IDE...if someone builds a Q-bus SCSI board,
>I'll buy one, up to (say) 200 USD.  If someone builds a Q-bus IDE
>board, I wouldn't take it unless you *gave* it to me shipping prepaid.
>Why?  Because everything else I have is SCSI.  Two machines chez moi

Indeed. "Me too!"

>Of course, neither one would be bootable; I'd end up having to netboot
>anyway (unless I can resurrect one of the MSCP disks I've got as a boot

BA23, TK50, boot disk. Whoops, I'm all outta' room! Looks like external
drives are needed now. 
XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Junior, Comp. Sci.     -   House of Retrocomputing
XCOMM              -
XCOMM              Spoken by Keir Finlow-Bates:
XCOMM "Good grief, I've just noticed I've typed in a rant. Sorry chaps!"