Subject: Re: vax 4000s.
To: None <sokolov@alpha.CES.CWRU.Edu>
From: Ty Sarna <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/03/1998 22:30:09
In article <199802031643.LAA13092@kevin.CES.CWRU.Edu> you write:
> Darren Reed <> wrote:
> > has netbsd been ported to the vaxstation 4000-60 or 4000-VLC ?
> No. These machines are based on the same architecture as MV3100 M30+, which is
> not currently supported by NetBSD/vax. However, there is a good probability
> that I will support it in Berkeley UNIX(R).
So what you're saying is, "NetBSD/vax (which exists currently) doesn't
support that particular box currently, but my OS (which doesn't
currently exist at all) might support them"?
Given that a number of people are working on NetBSD/vax and that it has
the not insubstatial head start of already existing for at least some
VAXen, why would anyone hang their hopes on your "Berkeley UNIX(R)"
[sic] written only by you, not only getting written but supporting that
type of box first?
Is your only purpose for being on the NetBSD/vax list to drum up support
for your vaporware competitor? And how large do your cahones have to be
to insult Ragge (et al) by calling their hard labors "a toy" in
comparison to something you haven't even written yet? Sheez louise.
> Phone: 440-449-0299
> ARPA Internet SMTP mail:
If your email address is "ARPA Internet SMTP mail", how come your
phone number is just "Phone", not "Bell System Electric Telephone"?
And why don't you list your Pony Express address?