Subject: Re: Ahh, fudge. Now the drive's dead.
To: Boris Gjenero <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/27/1998 18:08:21
On Tue, 27 Jan 1998, Boris Gjenero wrote:

> David Brownlee wrote:
> >         I have two SCSI drive sin my VS3100, one of which has a whole
> >         slew of badblocks from ~21MB - ~38MB which would not map out.
> >         I've partitoned it to avoid that aread and its running fine.
> Yes, I know about that trick.  I just did that last weekend with a
> Fujitsu M2361A Super Eagle SMD drive.  My Sun 4/260 is now happy with
> the drive.  However, the normal bad sectors tend to be all over the
> place and not in one location like the (abnormal?) bad sectors (I guess
> from a head crash).  Unless you're lucky you'd have to have a *lot* of
> partitions.  
	(grins). Roll those dice...
	Hmm.. maybe you could use the ccd driver to group them all
	together again (Now that is an abomination :)

> >         If you only have a few badblocks you can just newfs it and use
> >         badsect (check the manpage). Providing the badsectors are not
> >         in inode data it should work fine.
> I've tried that, though I can't say I've been too successful.  It would
> be a lot of trouble, and you do need to be lucky.  With a few you stand
> a chance, but if there are more, some will probably end up in the inode
> data.  I guess if they are in the inode data you can fsck with different
> parameters or partitioning and hope they're in files.  You can have
> hours of fun this way.  :-) 

	I've been pretty lucky the few times I've had to do it. Splitting
	the disk a little helps as well.
	Run a dd on the raw device to pick up the bad blocks, then
	script the 'newfs with these params, run badsect, fsck & see if
	it all works... :)


- I am a very old man; how old I do not know. Possibly I am
- a hundred, possibly more; but I cannot tell because I have
- never aged as other men, nor do I remember any childhood.