Subject: Re: Ahh, fudge. Now the drive's dead.
To: Boris Gjenero <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/27/1998 17:17:09
On Tue, 27 Jan 1998, Boris Gjenero wrote:

> Anyways, I think you should give up on trying to put NetBSD onto that
> RD53 on your VS2000.  From the "Command 0xNN completed with status 0xNN"
> messages in your previous messages it seems to me that you have bad
> sectors and since there is no bad sector replacement you won't be able
> to use that drive.  Netboot the VS2000 instead.
	I have two SCSI drive sin my VS3100, one of which has a whole
	slew of badblocks from ~21MB - ~38MB which would not map out.
	I've partitoned it to avoid that aread and its running fine.

	If you only have a few badblocks you can just newfs it and use
	badsect (check the manpage). Providing the badsectors are not
	in inode data it should work fine.

	That is all assuming you can get the drive to keep spinning :)


Definition of the day:
'A moot point': Something open to debate... _not_ an irrelevant point.
(It would be preferable if more of the world could grasp the above)