Subject: Re: What is LCG?
To: None <bqt@Update.UU.SE, port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ty Sarna <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/26/1998 23:20:48
In article <Pine.VUL.3.93.980127022914.28061F-100000@Zeke.Update.UU.SE> you write:
> > > of them.  But a worse-managed multinational company would be hard to find.
> >   Come on, it's easy: Commodore.  :-)
> Nah. Just that DEC is so large it took a bit longer to fall...

Oh please! DEC (or is that now DEQ?) never put "the father of the PCjr"
in charge of designing new systems. :-)

I heard on the radio this morning that "Compaq took over Digital
Equipment Corporation to becom the third largest computer company".  At
the time I just assumed the announcer slipped up, and meant "overtook". 
Little did I know...  :-(