Subject: Re: Compaq buys Digital
To: Paul Apprich <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/26/1998 19:03:13
On January 26, Paul Apprich wrote:
> I can't fathom the thought of powering up the HACKstation and seeing:
> KA-43 v1.2
> F...E...D...C...B...A...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...1
> <beep> <beep>
> 162 - Options not set - Insert Configuration Diskette
> _
> >>>
> >>>test
> Bad Command or file name
> >>> wer8t7134zj90R*(@ %(T
> FATAL: Internal Stack Failure, System Halted!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> or perhaps VMS-x86?

  Barf barf.

> 	For all intents and purposes, these are orphaned machines now.

  Not really.  Remember...DEC effectively "orphaned" most of the
machines we work with long ago.  They still work just as well, they're
just as available, they're just as reliable...I maintain that this
terrible event will have no bearing whatsoever on our hobby and
production uses of these machines...though I feel the implications for
our industry as a whole are indeed grave.

                        -Dave McGuire